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Swedish Genealogy and Other Links
Uncle Sven reads Paradisets Bilskrot
The Swenson Center - Augustana College Swedish immigration to North America
Bridge To Sweden - Swedish-American Genealogical Research and Travel
General Genealogy Sites
ROOTSWEB - Free Searchable databases including Social Security Death Index, & more... - Searchable databases including Social Security Death Index, & more...
Family - Surname Message Boards
Genforum - Message Boards Searchable By Surname or Region
Maps of Sweden, etc.
Immigrant Ships & Passenger Lists
Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild - Ships Passenger Lists
The Ship's List Immigrant Ships & Passenger Lists
Swedish Genealogy & Records Sites
SCANGEN mailing list for genealogists with an interest in the Swedish provinces Skåne (Scania), Blekinge and Halland
Emigrantregistret KINSHIPCENTER with guestbook
Swedish 1890 Census Select English, then select the län
Demographic Data Base Umeå University
Swedish Exit Permit or Flyttningsbetygm, the document issued by the parish priest before an individual could leave his home parish.
Swedish Genline - Swedish Church Records Online - Click "In English" in the upper left corner of the page
Svenska kyrkan - Church of Sweden dioceses (stift) and parishes (församlingar)
National Archives of Sweden Riksarkivet Och Landsarkiven
Swedish data archive at Göteborg University
Regional Queries, History, & Information
Broken - Archaeology Project Sundsvall area
Swedish Immigrant Institute (Meeting Place of Cultures) in Borås
Newsgroup soc.genealogy.medieval (FAQ)
Lantmäteriet National Land Survey
Book - The National Atlas of Sweden
English version of Gula Sidorna Swedish Yellow Pages
Assorted Links
Yahoo! Sweden
in Swedish